Fizz and Fade

champagne fizz and faded blue jeans

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wearing the pants.

Yes, it's been awhile. Somehow updating my blog has slipped from it's high priority post in my life recently. But here I am! And, hopefully this is inspire me to post more frequently, get back in the habit. As fashion week just ended in New York, I've been finally catching up on the shows, and weeding through the trends. While the shows were displaying looks for Spring, the fashion savvy know that working the new trends into our current Fall looks is what keeps one ahead of the sartorial game. And while the 90 degree weather tomorrow may lead us to think otherwise, the cooler temps of fall are on the way. While jeans are great, why not change it up with some other pantalones this fall? Whether its dark and slouchy, boldly patterned, or vibrantly colored, pants are here there and everywhere. As long as the fit works for your body type, (and hopefully you know what that is by now), why not try a statement pair? And, since many of the styles were on the looser side, you get comfort with style; perfect match.

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