Fizz and Fade

champagne fizz and faded blue jeans

Sunday, July 21, 2013

What About : Birkenstocks

Fashion trends evolve in cycles and sometimes as those trendy wheels turn something can become so 'out' it's 'in'. The particular in/out item I have musing over lately is Birkenstocks. I'll blame it somewhat of the fact that I am currently in Burlington, Vermont, an East Coast hotbed of green living, but also on the simplistic modern styles that are currently trending thanks to Alexander Wang and Celine.

Birkenstocks have had a bad rep in the fashion world for some time now, relegated to the same level of chicness as Crocs or LeSportsac. But the sleek and clean trends of late have led a few taste-makers to re-think the hippy staple, as What What Wear recently detailed on their website HERE.

What do you think, should we bring back the Birks?

Hey, if it's good enough for Ashley...

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