Fizz and Fade

champagne fizz and faded blue jeans

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Glam Jars

I was checking out the Michael's craft store website recently, something I do when I need some crafty inspiration, and I saw this glass jar project. 

I love simplistic decor items like this that look chic but understated. The jars themselves are sturdy quality and quite heavy. The project tutorial here (Glass Desk Organizer Tutorial) explains all the materials needed, which are simply the jars, paint and painters tape, and how to complete the project. I didn't end up getting the round dot sponge and thus ended up doing my polka-dots freehand, which was easy enough but not as accurate as I would have liked. 

I decided to brighten up my apartment yesterday with some pink roses. Maybe a little romantic but hey, they're pretty!
Finished products
Pretty blooms

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