Fizz and Fade

champagne fizz and faded blue jeans

Friday, April 10, 2015

Moroccan Tiles

Decor Inspiration : Moroccan Tiles

One of the things I found most inspiring on my recent trip to Europe and North Africa were the amazing colorful tiles I saw. I took waaaay too many photos of the walls and floor for anyone but me to find the pictures interesting.

 My  bathroom sink at our Moroccan riad.

 All the moorish mosques had beautiful tile work floors and walls.

La Mamounia

 Sevilla, Spain
The Real Alcazar in Sevilla, Spain

I am going to be moving shortly to a new city, however my budget will not be allowing much in the way of kitchen decorating with tiles, however it doesn't hurt to dream about the Moroccan inspired kitchen I can one day have.

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