Fizz and Fade

champagne fizz and faded blue jeans

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

New To Try : Capsule Wardrobe Take 2

When I decided to embark on the capsule wardrobe conquest, (and let's be real I am not there yet, still working myself up to it) I did some inspiration research on what a closet of my dreams would look like, since that is what the capsule wardrobe should be, a closet full only of items you love. I have included some of the images I found below, all reflect similar things:

Classic Neutral Colors
Mixed Textures and Fabrics
Neatly Spaced Hangers

These are the types of garments I reach for time and time again, I might as well have a closet full of them. Basics, yes, but they are well loved for a good reason- they always look stylish when in a good fit and fabric. Call me basic, I don't care! Although, you won't see me with a PSL anytime soon.

SO, I took a first stab at a Capsule Wardrobe and let me tell you, it was a lot harder than I thought it would be. I had a strong start pulling out a bunch of pieces that I knew I could live without for the next month or so. It was those in the middle-of-the-pack garments that were hardest to get rid of. I find that for me, these clothes usually hold some backstory/personal attachment - maybe it's tied to a memory or time in my life, or I paid a decent amount of money for it and have hardly worn it at all or sometimes I just believe there will be that one perfect day when I need a baggy, unflattering peasant top from Sandro and I'll have the perfect thing to wear. Maybe that's just me...


To back up a few paces and before we all get too ahead of ourselves with the capsule wardrobe craziness, I think it is important to think about why you want to try a capsule wardrobe in the first place, or to put it more bluntly, why are you dissatisfied with your closet. I have plenty of clothes to wear, I could wear a different shirt everyday for a long time and still have more. But I find that time and time again I am reaching for the same items inside my closet. Usually they are simple, basic and fit well, aka. I feel really comfortable and good in these clothes. If it is too fussy, gapes, bunches or any other ill-fitting or uncomfortable attribute I don't want to wear it on a regular basis. As I have gotten older I have gotten better at not buying the trendy of-the-moment pieces, even if they are a cheap thrill from a discount store. I'd rather buy one item that I can wear all the time, dress up or down, in all seasons. That is a way better use of my money, even if it seems expensive up front, given the amount of times I will wear it, it ends up being less expensive. That cost-per-wear thing really means something to me!

 Alas, I return to my present capsule wardrobe status. I took a first pass at streamlining my current closet to become a Capsule Wardrobe. Rather than go straight up cold turkey, my plan was to at least try and make my closet look like a well-edited boutique showcase with a pared down amount of items. I have a wardrobe with glass doors that is perfect for showcasing a limited number of curated garments, while my larger closet will hide any pieces out of view that I want. I took a bunch of clothes that were either out of season or I just really didn't feel too strongly about and put them out of sight. Those garments I love I kept out for my 'wardrobe'. After a month or so I can see if I actually have missed any of the hidden pieces, those I forgot about and never missed can be let go aka. Ebay, donate or give to friends. Any items that are out of season can be held onto and reviewed in conjunction with all others once the season rolls around.

My current 'Capsule Wardrobe' work in progress

Like I said, my Capsule Wardrobe is still a work in process but I have made strides in slimming it down. Below is after my first pass through, still too full with 31 tops (eek!), but the jackets (2), dresses (3), skirts (3) and jumpsuit (1) are off to a good start. I didn't even get to the jeans or tee shirts yet, but it's still progress people! Stay tuned to see my final clear through and wardrobe result.

Check out some more Capsule Wardrobe images below and check out my Pinterest page here for more style and wardrobe inspiration! 

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