Fizz and Fade

champagne fizz and faded blue jeans

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Brooklyn Flea

A few weekends ago we finally made it to the Brooklyn Flea, a flea market in, you guessed it, Brooklyn, that I have been meaning to check our for awhile now. 

We had a short detour through Williamsburg on our way to Industry City where the Brooklyn Flea currently is being held. The day was cold and cloudy, so this amazing bright wall mural injected some much needed color into our morning mood. Especially since we had to trek all the way Industry City after mistakenly going to Williamsburg first (oops!). 

Needed energy to tackle the market, so some Donut Pub sustenance was essential. The red velvet is my favorite of their flavors.

 The Brooklyn Flea was full with all kinds of vendors, from furniture to vintage jewelry to knick-knacks. It was a great way to get inspired for decorating our new apartment, in different ways that visiting a typical chain store would.

I loved all these potted succulents for sale at the market. I am interested in creating a terrarium for our new apartment, so these provided some great inspiration. Has anyone created one and have some tips to share?

There were some beautiful Turkish rugs for sale, with tons of bright colors and patterns. We had to scoop up one, still lusting over these pillowcases above though. May have to take another trip back.  

We ended our successful flea market shopping with some Ramen Burgers from Smorgasburg! You must try one sometime if you have never had it, a little messy but definitely worth it.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had a great time. Have a nice day.
    Xo, Christianne


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