Fizz and Fade

champagne fizz and faded blue jeans

Monday, December 27, 2010

Lacy Thoughts.

Maybe it's my job in the Wedding Design world, or maybe it's maturity creeping up on me, but either way I am suddenly....gasp!...liking lace! Usually associated with frilly girly girls, doilies, and old maids (three things I do not readily associate with myself), these days lace has taken a turn for the chic. While the patterns vary from delicate Chantilly to bold florals, what remains consistent are the colors; black and nude. Period. To stay modern, keep the hem high and the fit snug. With the seductive nature of the fabric and an abbreviated length, a high neckline provides just enough balance to keep things from verging on tramp. Perfect for a night out, right? Or perhaps New Years Eve? Oh, wait that sounds familiar! Stay tuned to find out why....


**I didn't include purchase info on the above photos, but if you are interested I will readily aid in your shopping needs**

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