Fizz and Fade

champagne fizz and faded blue jeans

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

My Inspiration Board

 For as long as I have been interested in fashion, I have collected magazine tears. I was never one to keep stacks upon stacks of fashion magazines, afraid to rip them apart in their glossy glory. I rather found the ripping necessary and cathartic. Be it a color, an item, a particular styling choice, whatever it is I like, if the page reaches out to me, I'll tear it out.

For awhile I would tape these pages into notebooks, compiling lookbooks that corresponded to the season or year I created them. Now I keep a constantly rotating selection of current inspirational tears on a board above my desk at home. When I've had my fill of a look, I will put the tear in a filing system I've started; or else toss it, depending on it's longevity aka. trendiness factor.

I generally keep the board organized in groups- work, nighttime, mood, purchase. It's helpful in those 'I have nothing to wear' moments, but also as a colorful, uplifting piece of wall art.

While I do love the inspiration board's new age sister, Pinterest, nothing beats the classic version.

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