Fizz and Fade

champagne fizz and faded blue jeans

Friday, November 1, 2013

Fit to be Tied

It's been a very long time since I wore a ribbon in my hair. My most recent memory of wearing one must be circa 7th grade, blue and yellow (obviously had to represent the Valley Forge Eagles) and worn to accessorize my lacrosse skirt and jersey. Yea, me in any sport uniform was awhile ago. While a mainstay form of spirit for middle-school female athletes and cheerleaders, a few recent looks I've seen have inspired me to test out the look again, in my older, wiser, less athlete years.

To keep from looking too juvenile, keep the style relaxed and slightly tousled. A perky ponytail with a ribbon is the fast-track to cheerleader, so avoid at all costs. I also prefer a softer, long ribbon so it can flop down in a nonchalant way. 

And of course if Lauren Conrad wears it, its acceptable...


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