Fizz and Fade

champagne fizz and faded blue jeans

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Touristy DC

A few weekends ago I spent the day being a tourist in my own city of DC and what better way to explore a city than through a walking tour! 

You can find actual books of walking tours on Amazon here, but since I decided to do this walking tour the day prior I wouldn't have time to get the items delivered. However, nowadays you can find just about anything online and this was no exception! I downloaded the DC maps here, but I'm sure you can just google free walking tours for your city and find them as well. 

The day of our tour it was cold, rainy and grey but it only added to the historic charm of many of the buildings. After seeing a few stops we did have to duck into a local pub to warm up, inside and out. Here are a few pics I snapped that day.

Ford's Theater where Lincoln was shot

It was so grey outside, this picture looks almost black and white!

Looking down Pennsylvania
Avenue, the inaugural parade route for every president
since Thomas Jefferson and local Washington’s
“Main Street” since the city’s founding! See the historic image below.

 The United States Treasury, historic pic below.
 Activity swirled around this building throughout the Civil War. The basement became a bunker for the president and his cabinet in case of Confederate attack. It was here, also, that the short-handed federal government hired large numbers of women for the first time. “Lady clerks” trimmed by hand the huge sheets of paper greenbacks invented by Secretary Chase.

Beautiful winter afternoon in a beautiful city!

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