Fizz and Fade

champagne fizz and faded blue jeans

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Airplane Travel Ready

Airplane Travel Ready

I'll be leaving in a little than over a week for a three week trip to Europe and North Africa and have thinking a lot about what I am going to pack. When traveling on planes, especially for long stretches, I try to dress in ways that will keep me comfy, warm and still pulled together. This look not only works for the trip to wherever you're going, but also is full of basic pieces that you can wear again and again different ways throughout your stay.

I included a few more of my favorite 'travel ready' looks below for some additional inspiration. What's your favorite look to travel in?

Stay tuned for photos to be coming in the future of my journey!

Airplane Travel Ready by emilykfarina featuring rag & bone

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