Fizz and Fade

champagne fizz and faded blue jeans

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Lisbon, Portugal

I’ve finally caught up on life after my trip to be able to post some photos. My first stop was London to visit a college friend, then I made my way to Lisbon, Portugal to meet up with some business school friends.

Lisbon was a beautiful, quaint city that I had never visited but heard great things. We went to St. George’s castle, where I took the above image. The view was amazing and I especially loved the old stone of the castle juxtaposed against the green trees.

My Isabel Marant Crisi Boots were great for touring around the city, definitely broke them in on this trip!

All the streets had beautiful tile work. Although it could be slippery if you were in the wrong shoes!

We hiked up to a beautiful castle in a neighboring town Sintra. The views were amazing.

Peacocks roaming free at St. George's

Another wonderful thing about Europe- you can drink anywhere! There was an adorable wine cart selling bottles at the top of the castle, so my friend Amy and I enjoyed some vino with our view.

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