Fizz and Fade

champagne fizz and faded blue jeans

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Color Inspiration

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I just learned about Color Collective and was instantly hooked. Unable to find reliable color resources online, Lauren Willhite began Color Collective as a personal inspiration tool. The concept is simple, Willhite takes a colored image she finds inspiring and pulls out 4 or 5 corresponding color swatches. Scrolling through the site and you’ll see that simple concept has infinite inspiration possibilities.  Since launching, Lauren has garnered attention and inspirational use from J.Crew’s Jenna Lyons and Rebecca Minkoff, among others. 

Whether you need some outfit inspiration or are looking for a new wall color, Color Collective is an incredible color resource. Check out the website here, don’t forget to look through the categories!

I’ve included a few images here I’ve added to my own pinterest mood board.

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