Fizz and Fade

champagne fizz and faded blue jeans

Friday, November 20, 2015

Insiders NYC Holiday To-Do List 2015

View from our room at The Park Lane Hotel, last winter

Growing up not too far away from New York City, I have been up to visit many times around Christmas for a Broadway show, to check out the windows on 5th avenue and even to have holiday tea. I am very excited to be here for the whole month this year leading up to Christmas and soak in all the amazing-ness that is New York City filled with holiday spirit and as a real New Yorker!

New York City always has tons going on especially around the holiday season, problem is, everyone knows about the cliche places seems to also be there exactly when you are.

This year, I have compiled a list of my top To-Do's in NYC for the holidays. But what makes this list different, is that I have some new places for you guys to try that check off the same classic holiday NYC things but from a new perspective and with decidedly less chaos and tourists around.

Writing this post almost makes we wish it was winter already. Almost.

#1 Typical To-Do : Rockefeller Skating Rink

My Recommendation : Central Park Skating Rink  
So happy to be skating!

Avoid the crazy crowds and still get your ice skating fix by going to the Central Park rink. You get the bonus of walking around the park to get there and scenic views while you skate. Plus, less people know about it so the crowds aren’t as bad. After a few laps around the rink, warm up and people watch with some hot chocolate from their classic snack bar!

#2 Typical To-Do: Top of the Rock Observation Deck

My Recommendation : Sixtyfive Bar at The Rainbow Room

Rainbow Room Brunch, Valentine’s Day 2015

Why pay $32 to get to see the view from the Observation Deck when you can get into the Sixtyfive Bar for free and spend that $32 on a drink or two! This bar way up on top of the world, next to the famous Rainbow Room and provides incredible views of the city. If you have some extra time (or cash) go to the Rainbow Room for their amazing buffet brunch. We did this last year for Valentine’s Day and it was wonderful, hopefully we can make that a tradition every year...wink wink.

#3 Typical To-Do: Broadway Show

Instead of doing a typical Broadway show where you sit in the audience, immerse yourself in the action! I did Sleep No More for the first time last winter and it was the most unique theater experience I’ve ever had. Without giving too much away, Sleep No More is a play off of the classic tale of Macbeth, only the catch is you are watching the events enfold in a multi-story old hotel, with the actors all around you. Oh, and everyone has to wear a mask (see photo above). Come a little early and get a drink at Gallow Green, the McKittrick’s rooftop bar, don’t worry if it’s cold, they have space heaters and indoor areas. Pro Tip - wear comfortable shoes, you will be standing and walking a lot!

#4 Typical To-Do: High Tea

My Recommendation : Palm Court Bar at The Plaza Hotel

The Palm Court Bar feels like you just stepped into Palm Springs. The decor is bright and with a feel of vintage whimsy. Even when it’s cold out, it’s hard to not feel summery and bright in this space, great for when you want to warm up with a cool cocktail.

#5 Typical To-Do: The Rockettes

My Recommendation : Comedy Cellar

The Rockettes are classic and all, but if you ask me I’d rather laugh at some jokes than watch some high kicks. The Comedy Cellar is the one of the oldest comedy clubs in New York and often has famous comedians drop in unannounced. Make your reservation a few days in advance and be sure to arrive early if you want to get a good seat. Beware, they tend to make fun of people sitting in the front row. Unless you’re into that, and by all means get there as early as you can!

#6 Typical To-Do: Department Store Shopping

My Recommendation : Artists and Fleas in Chelsea Market
photo cred: GlenwoodNYC

Who needs to go to department stores anymore when the best deals are all online anyway? Spend your shopping time and money somewhere more unique. I was at the Artists and Fleas shop last weekend and found some great gift ideas for family and friends. whether handmade jewelry, type-writer cufflinks or even wooden glasses, they have something for everyone. It gets a little crazy around lunchtime in Chelsea Market, but if you go at off peak hours check out the Lucy’s Whey cheese shop for a grilled cheese with compote that will knock your socks off.

#7 Typical To-Do : Metropolitan Museum of Art

My Recommendation : The Library Bar at The Hudson Hotel 

Ok, this is a little bit of a stretch, Museum -> Bar, but the books make it educational, right?! The Library Bar is exactly what it sounds like, a bar within a library. With books, fireplaces and armchairs, this bar is cozy, chic and just the type of place you want to be when it’s blustery and cold outside. If coming with a larger crowd, check out Hudson Common, the beer hall (also in the Hudson Hotel) which has long tables, crackling fires and beer garden snacks, perfect for a bigger group.

Bonus To-Do : Surprise Bar Crawl

Jeff and I tried this for the first time last winter, I think it was his idea. It's very simple, all you have to do is pick the bar you want to start at and get a drink. When you're ready to move on, you ask the bartender where you should go next and you HAVE to go there for the next drink! Then at the second bar you repeat the process- get a drink then ask the bartender where to go next. Its a fun way to explore new places and bartenders often know the cool and underrated spots since they are 'in the industry'.

What other Holiday events on your to-do list? Let me know in the comments below!


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