Fizz and Fade

champagne fizz and faded blue jeans

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Beijing - October 2015

After being home for a little over two months, we finally had time to amass all of our photos from our October trip to Asia. With 5 different cameras being used between the two of us, it was quite the task to just consolidate all the images. But here we are in January and I've put together some photos from our trip, organized by country - China, Vietnam and Thailand. So come along for the journey, first stop China!

GoPro took some getting used to...Of we go!
Dali Courtyard - ready for a lot more chopsticks in the next two weeks

 After 16 hours or so of traveling, we made it to Beijing, our first stop. While we were exhausted when we finally arrived at hotel, we knew the jetlag would be worse if we went straight to sleep, so instead we dragged ourselves to the Donghuamen night market. It was bustling with vendors, shops and tons of things to eat. We found our way to the Dali Courtyard for a late dinner, a tucked away hidden gem. On the walk home I got one of my favorite purchases of the trip - my kitten/dog flats! Seen here on my instagram, at only $7 I couldn't not buy them. I also couldn't resist getting some Chinese teas to bring home with me.
Bright and early the next morning we set out to see some sights. First stop (after coffee) was the snack street.

Snack Streets are all over in Beijing (find a list of them here), each offering a crazy array of foods on sticks. While it is definitely geared towards tourists, we still had fun looking at all the weird things for sale- pigeons (seen above), snails, sea urchins, crawfish...

Live scorpions! No, we did not try them.
We made our way to the Temple of Heaven park to view the beautiful and intricate structures. We walked through Tiananmen Square and around the Forbidden City. I'm wearing my new sunglasses that I bought the evening before in the night market!

That night we went to Siji Minfu, a restaurant we had heard about on recommendation from a friend. Though we weren't able to read the menu or speak to our waiter, pointing to the foods we wanted with a 'thumbs up' did the trick. My photo didn't turn out too well, but had to include a picture of our amazing Peking Duck!

On our third and final day in Beijing we headed up to check out the Great Wall. We had a driver take us to the Mutinyahu section which was about a 2.5 hour drive from the city. To get to the wall you have to take a crazy ski lift up that was way higher than your typical ride up a mountain trail in Vermont or Colorado. I was not crazy about how little was keeping me from falling out.

To get down from the wall you take a 5 minute toboggan ride. You can see this on the left of picture below. We tried the Go-Pro video for our ride down which was pretty hilarious. You feel like you're in Mario Kart ha.
 Survived the chairlift ride up. It was much colder high up on the Wall than it was down in Beijing, we were happy we packed our down jackets...until we started hiking up and down the stairs that is.
What you don't expect about The Great Wall is how steep it is. I can't imagine how soldiers ran up and down these steps all day and night.

Off to Vietnam!

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