Fizz and Fade

champagne fizz and faded blue jeans

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Camilla in Dress

There is just something I love about this picture of Camilla Belle. The lighting is beautiful, the dress is amazing and she looks so genuine.

So I decided to see how a drawing of this image would turn out. I tried my hand at coloring this digitally, usually I use watercolor. I'm not sure how crazy I am about how the color turned out, its a little flatter than I prefer. But it was easy to get the dress to pop!

 I am definitely curious to play around with some more digital coloring but don't think it will every look as special as true painting does.


  1. I love this! What did you draw on? I'm interested in painting digitally, but I'll probably still enjoy true painting more!

  2. I just used Photoshop. I scanned the image from my sketchbook then played around with the paintbrush tool on different layers, changing the opacity to add some depth. Worth giving a shot and see how you like it!


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