Fizz and Fade

champagne fizz and faded blue jeans

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

“Marble” Bedside Table

When I was preparing to pack my apartment contents for our move, I took a good look at the furniture I currently had and decided which items to keep and which to replace. My bedside table was originally one of the items on the ‘give away/sell/trash’ list. I had purchased it a few years ago from Ikea, it was nothing special but did the job. 

When doing some research on Pinterest for bedside tables I came across the below photo, and thought - “That’s the kind of table I want!”. To my surprise, it was a table just like mine and the owner had just put faux marble contact paper on top. Immediately I wanted to try this out with my table before buying a new one. 

Check out the original post here.

You can see in the before photos below that the piece itself was in good shape besides the water marks on the top.


I purchased the contact paper online, it was cheap, only $10 or so. Besides that, the only supplies you need are a tape measure and some scissors.

Actually putting the contact paper on was super easy. It’s sticky, but you can peel it up to smooth any air bubbles or reposition if needed. Total working time was maybe 10 minutes.

 The after!

I must say, I was shocked with how well it turned out. For how cheap and simple it was, the bedside table looks pretty expensive and chic now. The look also goes perfectly with the clean, modern look I am inspired by, seen in this post, when thinking about decor for our new apartment. Needless to say, I am so, so happy I decided to give this piece another try! I immediately started looking around my apartment for other things to marble-ize...

What are some other creative uses for contact paper? Let me know your ideas in the comments below!

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Dresser : IKEA (similar)
Contact Paper : eBay 


  1. That looks AMAZING! I really thought it was real marble!

  2. Ahhh I wish I had read this before I came over so I could touch it!!! So cool!


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