Fizz and Fade

champagne fizz and faded blue jeans

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Neutral Territory

Winter is finally starting to wear down but the weather is still cold out. Online and in stores I keep seeing spring clothing and I have this insatiable urge to wear warm-weather clothing. What’s a girl to do!?

The solution I have come to is light-colored, neutrals that feel airy, fresh and are still substantial enough that keep you warm in the lingering cool temps. I wear mostly neutrals to begin with, but I find my closet is full of dark neutrals - black, grey, navy. For March I am looking to fill out my wardrobe with some new staples in creams, blushes and tans. 

Side note, I just got the Loeffler Randall heels in the above collage and I am obsessed with them. It cannot be warm fast enough so I can start wearing them all the time. I saw them on a few instagrams and was totally smitten. I actually think if I were a shoe, I would be that shoe.

Check out a few inspiration images below that are perfectly suited to this look as well! 

4. Nike

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