Fizz and Fade

champagne fizz and faded blue jeans

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

How To Make Your Home More Calming

image via Hemtrender

Happy Wednesday All! We are halfway through the week, I hope you are feeling productive and inspired to take on the last two days before the weekend. Today I am going to be talking about something that has a big impact on my energy and productivity yet can easily be overlooked when trying to de-stress and get more done - home decor. You know that saying 'you are what you eat'? Well I think there should be another one that says 'you feel how live'. I find that when my living space is cluttered, so is my mind. When it's messy, dirty or overwhelmed with items, I get anxious, stressed and feel genuinely less happy. On the flip-side of that, when my space is clean, bright, open and clear, I too feel that way inside. Today we are going to explore how to bring that clean, bright, open and clear feeling to where you live. There are tons of ways to change around an apartment or home, but we've got limited time, money and energy, so let's look at some of the quick,  ways to change your space for the better.

Some of you reading this may live in a spacious home in the suburbs with room to spare. Lucky you. Or you may be someone like me - a young adult, who spends their days working and tries to spend their downtime relaxing. You may be someone who lives in a small apartment, maybe in a city. You may be  interested in home décor but also on a realistic budget. You want to be able to make small tweaks to your space that have a big impact. You want to be able to make changes soon and not have to take on a big redecorating overhaul to change things up. You want to get more done in your downtime but also feel recharged and relaxed when you are at home.

The key question we want to answer is 'how to make our living spaces feel more calming, mind-clearing and stylish so that we can reap those benefits?'

Tip #1- Get Rid of Things

Do you feel a sense of calmness and ease in a fresh hotel room? Have you moved into a new place and realized it looked better before you had all your boxes unpacked? This is because clutter is the killer of relaxation. No, the act of actually tidying up your place is not relaxing, in fact it is a terrible thing. But the feeling when you're done - priceless. I recently read Marie Kondo's The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, where she speaks about how living with less stuff actually makes us happier, calmer and more productive. It since inspired me to get rid of a lot of the stuff I had that did nothing to help me or my mood. Apartments that are sparse, clear and organized look great and help to get your mind and mood into that same zone. While storage containers seem like the right answer, they aren't. The answer is to get rid of anything that doesn't make you smile (for whatever reason). The more you can pare back, the better. Here are a few inspiration images of clean, clutter-free spaces that I love.

Tip #2 - White and Light Are Your New Best Friends

It is well known that being exposed to natural light everyday makes people more awake, happier and healthier. We can't all have enormous windows though, so the next best thing is to have white elements in your decor to reflect the natural light the space does get and brighten everything up. White curtains, mirrors and simple or sparse wall decor will help to lighten and brighten when your windows aren't gonna cut it on their own. Take a look at your space and see how many patterns or colors you have going on. The more you can streamline the colors, either by sticking to neutrals or staying withing a small color palette, the more cohesive the space will feel.

Tip #3 - Bring Some Nature Inside
Maybe it's the fact that I now live in a concrete-covered city, but I appreciate the outdoors so much more than I used to. There is something about being near water, trees and leaves that is relaxing, soothing and good for the mind. Since many of us are living in cities it is hard to find time outdoors and in nature. Move away from metal or highly polished wood, instead try bringing natural elements like wood, plants and stone into your home as much as possible. Neutrals accents like white, black and tan are perfect with blues and greens to amplify the 'natural' mood. Succulents are easy to maintain and look modern and cool. If you're looking for something more impactful, fiddle leaf figs are pretty trendy right now and are akin to bringing a small tree into your home.

Let me know if you found this helpful and will be incorporating some of these changes into your own living space!

1 comment:

  1. Some very good tips! I definitely need some help in the 'getting rid of things' department. I have way too many knick knacks and random things laying around.


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