Fizz and Fade

champagne fizz and faded blue jeans

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Wear Now, Wear Later : Gingham Top

I have been seeing gingham tops around and I love the look. While it can definitely swing preppy, it really matters how you wear it. Before investing in this print for the season, I took it upon myself to come up with some outfits that I could wear it a gingham blouse with. 

Since the weather is still cool out (at least in New York), for the ‘Wear Now’ look I wanted a way to wear this shirt where I wouldn’t be freezing or look totally seasonally out of place. This shirt screams summer so I also put some thought into how this would work for a hot day for the ‘Wear Later’ look. I imagine wearing this to brunch with my family this month and then breaking it out for a day in Central Park come June or July. 

Get all the piece details below and check out some of my other favorites gingham pieces for sale right now. Let me know what you think of the looks!

Key Piece  : Ahlam Ruffle Tie Top

Wear Now:

Wear Later:


  1. Gingham will forever be a favourite print of mine. Great post!

  2. It's such a classic fabric. Thank you!


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