Fizz and Fade

champagne fizz and faded blue jeans

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Thinking About : Warm Weather Hats

I love a good hat. Always have. In the winter we think about them all the time, to keep our heads and ears warm. But in the warmer months they may be even more crucial -hats protect your skin, hair and keep the sun out of your eyes. Yet for some reason we don’t think of them as quite so essential in the summertime as we do in the wintertime. Lately I have been on the lookout for some new warm-weather hats to add to my collection that I can wear this spring and summer.

When it comes to buying warm-weather hats I usually plan to save rather than splurge. There are some great options out that there that come with a higher price tag, like this Eugenia Kim option or this hat from Janessa Leone. But I tend to stick to more affordable options, as I find they hold up just as well, can look expensive and won’t make you feel bad if you invest in something a little trendy/of-the-moment. I have also been known to lose a few hats, so as long as they are cheap I don’t feel so bad!

Panama hats have been around for awhile now and will remain a classic. But I am especially into options that look a little more unique. Either with a darker color, thicker straw or have a wider, flatter brim. I’ve included some of my favorite hat inspiration images above and where you can pick up some of your new hats of your own below. You can check out all my Warm Weather Inspiration images here on my Pinterest board.

Now bring on the sunshine!


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