Fizz and Fade

champagne fizz and faded blue jeans

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


I've been a little tassel-crazy lately, no matter what kind of jewelry they are on, I'm into it. While I was in Marrakech a few months ago we stumbled upon a jewelry and bead store. Needless to say I had a hard time walking away without everything they had. A few things I picked up however included bright, neon tassels and colorful glass beads. 

After getting back to DC I decided to use the tassels and beads to make a few different bracelets and a necklace. I had purchased a long strand of these brown seed-looking beads a few years ago, which I cut up and used for two bracelets and necklace.

On my recent my trip to Costa Rica all these items were on heavy rotation. Check out the necklace in the bottom on the post!

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