Fizz and Fade

champagne fizz and faded blue jeans

Monday, March 21, 2016

Mood Board - March Edit

When I left my fashion design job three years ago to attend business school, I didn't put too much thought into how my creativity would be impacted. I was used to being surrounded by fabrics, colors, textures and silhouettes all day. Whether researching trends online or attending model fittings or developing color boards, I was able to channel my creativity into my work.

Now that I work in marketing for a financial services company, I do not have the daily creative outlets I used to. This has lead me to seek new ways to explore my love of design and color, as well as new ways to convey it to others. I continued to devour fashion magazines and websites, always ripping out or pinning images I am inspired by for one reason or another, but I wasn't getting the fulfillment I used to from putting together a collection. I was inspired recently to begin doing this again and decide to bring a new element to my blog - inspired collections.

I imagine this section will go through some transformations as I see what works, what I enjoy and how best I can share my inspirations with you all. But the idea is I will put together a inspirational story by gathering images that speak to the silhouette, color, mood and texture, bring them together with color and fabrics and then show you how to get the look yourself. This is the same process I would go through when designing, the only difference here is I won't be creating the garments at the end, I will be scouring the market to show you where they already exist and are ready for purchase!

My first mood board I have entitled "March Edit" and the inspiration is Charlotte Rampling and her laid-back yet still sexy style. The mood is filled with washed blues and greys with hints of leather and lace. While the fabrics have a menswear vibe, the way they are worn- loose and low-cut, is anything but boyish.

I hope you like the first collection and leave with a bit of inspiration and ideas for March wardrobe updates. Check out the SHOP section below where you can snag similar styles and create the look yourself this week.

Let me know your thoughts on themes/moods you are interested in seeing!
Let me know your thoughts on themes/moods you are interested in seeing!



The Extras
12. Madewell - $188 (20% off spring sale right now)
13. J.Crew - $128  (25% off spring sale right now)

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